The everyday life of an Average American Family. The ups and downs of teenage boys. The joys and trials of having horses. The silly things that my mind wonders too. Life's road...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Time flies when you have teenagers. Life had been full of activities in the last few months. The boys have been doing lots of things, from wrestling, cowboy action shooting, band, choir, extra drum lessons, piano lessons, drama and now dance. Add that on top of bible study on Tuesday nights, homework and trying to get the hardwood finished in their rooms. I am amazed that it is December already.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Whats Happening..
Just an update..
Both Boys are now back to school and seem to enjoy the new school. They say they are making friends and I do not see them much while I am there working.
Wally got a job as a Corrections Deputy. Very good and we are excited. Will fill in more info once he signs the last of the paperwork.
I did my first true cutting lesson last week. I had a blast. Jewel did awesome for having the summer off due to my back. I also got to ride a well trained horse and what an enjoyment. Back did great with no pain the next day, inner thighs are screaming though..LOL
I am set up to be there every Thursday and the trainers would like me to go to a show with them. I am looking forward to it as that has been a dream for me. Still looking to win a buckle with my horse...
Also finished the summer term of college. Thank goodness I only took two classes. I got a B+ and a C. But I am happy with that C, as I did not pay attention to class length and it was an 8 week class while the other was an 11 week class. I checked in during week 7 and noticed I have nine papers due by the following Friday. I got all but one written, so I am happy with the C, could have been worst. Now I have a few weeks before Fall term and four classes...
Till next time,
Both Boys are now back to school and seem to enjoy the new school. They say they are making friends and I do not see them much while I am there working.
Wally got a job as a Corrections Deputy. Very good and we are excited. Will fill in more info once he signs the last of the paperwork.
I did my first true cutting lesson last week. I had a blast. Jewel did awesome for having the summer off due to my back. I also got to ride a well trained horse and what an enjoyment. Back did great with no pain the next day, inner thighs are screaming though..LOL
I am set up to be there every Thursday and the trainers would like me to go to a show with them. I am looking forward to it as that has been a dream for me. Still looking to win a buckle with my horse...
Also finished the summer term of college. Thank goodness I only took two classes. I got a B+ and a C. But I am happy with that C, as I did not pay attention to class length and it was an 8 week class while the other was an 11 week class. I checked in during week 7 and noticed I have nine papers due by the following Friday. I got all but one written, so I am happy with the C, could have been worst. Now I have a few weeks before Fall term and four classes...
Till next time,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Summer's End
I have neglected this blog along with many things this summer. Life's ups and downs kept me busy all summer and I might get a break now that school is back in session and I am back to work.
I last left off in mid-May, just four days after I tore the tendons in my lower back and was on complete bed rest for two weeks. From there it has been off and on. I have been very careful with my back now and unfortunately that has left Jewel in the pasture. We did get her home, just the day before my back and thus she has enjoyed a very easy summer. I have got to ride her three times. Once at Lily Glen, and twice with my friend Jackie. All three times were great fun, however after the first one (Lily Glen) I was back to bed rest for a few days. And the last time which was this last Friday, I can see that my horse needs me to be there riding and not just looking at her. But enough of horse things now.
For the new stuff:
We have enrolled the boys into the school I work at. Odd to see them throughout the day and I know I was more worried for them, then they were for themselves. Kayvon is doing well as he has one year of high school under his belt. Jacob is doing awesome and I think he is looking forward to the whole high school experience. Hard to believe that they are now both high schoolers.
Wally's hand healed well and no scars, can hardly tell where he burned it at all. Still looking for solid work, but is working for a new radio station on commissions. Which have been none since he started in July. Thank goodness he still applies for all jobs and hopefully something great will work out for us. I have faith and we have been taken care of over the summer.
I am back to work in Study Hall, also still working on my own schooling. Just a few more years and I will be done. Tough with a lot of writing, but very enjoyable subjects so far..LOL
Anyways, now that we are back to schedules and such I am hoping to keep up on the blog. I also have a facebook account for those who want to follow there...
Till next time,
I last left off in mid-May, just four days after I tore the tendons in my lower back and was on complete bed rest for two weeks. From there it has been off and on. I have been very careful with my back now and unfortunately that has left Jewel in the pasture. We did get her home, just the day before my back and thus she has enjoyed a very easy summer. I have got to ride her three times. Once at Lily Glen, and twice with my friend Jackie. All three times were great fun, however after the first one (Lily Glen) I was back to bed rest for a few days. And the last time which was this last Friday, I can see that my horse needs me to be there riding and not just looking at her. But enough of horse things now.
For the new stuff:
We have enrolled the boys into the school I work at. Odd to see them throughout the day and I know I was more worried for them, then they were for themselves. Kayvon is doing well as he has one year of high school under his belt. Jacob is doing awesome and I think he is looking forward to the whole high school experience. Hard to believe that they are now both high schoolers.
Wally's hand healed well and no scars, can hardly tell where he burned it at all. Still looking for solid work, but is working for a new radio station on commissions. Which have been none since he started in July. Thank goodness he still applies for all jobs and hopefully something great will work out for us. I have faith and we have been taken care of over the summer.
I am back to work in Study Hall, also still working on my own schooling. Just a few more years and I will be done. Tough with a lot of writing, but very enjoyable subjects so far..LOL
Anyways, now that we are back to schedules and such I am hoping to keep up on the blog. I also have a facebook account for those who want to follow there...
Till next time,
Monday, May 11, 2009
A great week...
Last week I got to go out and work with Jewel, two days in a row. I was very happy and I really enjoyed the work(I cleaned a stall and helped doctor a horse too).
The weather was okay, as it rained pretty much all week, but we need it. It makes everything look so clean too(except for muddy horses).
My hens are hatching out chicks and they are so cute when they are little. Just want to pick them up and squeeze them. But we don't as they just don't handle that well..LOL
We also attended the Oregon Single Stack this weekend. Boy are we out of practice!!!! Wally has not been able to practice since he burned his hand. Which was two weeks ago. It was almost third degree burn. He had blisters under blisters. However, it is healing very well and should not leave too big of scars. Very lucky.
Jacob placed third in Juniors but we did not look at the overall standings.. The boys (Jeff, Wally and Jacob) were just not on their game and it showed with high times, several misses(mikes) and poor scores. On Sunday we attended the 3-Gun match(local). Here we did better, but again the lack of practice shows. Wally and Jeff(Wally's dad) plan on working on our range and improving it a bit. We have talked about it for the last two years as the weather has taken a toll on the berm. It needs to be about three feet taller at this point and they would like to add a side berm to help with noise.
Overall a good week and weekend. I will try to upload some pictures of Jewel and the competition..
Till next time,
The weather was okay, as it rained pretty much all week, but we need it. It makes everything look so clean too(except for muddy horses).
My hens are hatching out chicks and they are so cute when they are little. Just want to pick them up and squeeze them. But we don't as they just don't handle that well..LOL
We also attended the Oregon Single Stack this weekend. Boy are we out of practice!!!! Wally has not been able to practice since he burned his hand. Which was two weeks ago. It was almost third degree burn. He had blisters under blisters. However, it is healing very well and should not leave too big of scars. Very lucky.
Jacob placed third in Juniors but we did not look at the overall standings.. The boys (Jeff, Wally and Jacob) were just not on their game and it showed with high times, several misses(mikes) and poor scores. On Sunday we attended the 3-Gun match(local). Here we did better, but again the lack of practice shows. Wally and Jeff(Wally's dad) plan on working on our range and improving it a bit. We have talked about it for the last two years as the weather has taken a toll on the berm. It needs to be about three feet taller at this point and they would like to add a side berm to help with noise.
Overall a good week and weekend. I will try to upload some pictures of Jewel and the competition..
Till next time,
Friday, April 24, 2009
I am okay...
As usual life has gone on...
I am doing well in school and am really enjoying my classes this term. The kids are also doing better in school. Wally is still looking for work and our search as moved to more of Oregon. We have a few places to meet with in Central Oregon next week. I have mixed feelings as I want Wally to get the job, but I don't want to move...God will put us where he wants us..
Miss Jewel is doing awesome at the trainer's. I really enjoyed my last ride on her. However I need to work on sitting deeper in the saddle when making turns and stopping...I think it has to do with years of trail riding. Such bad habits I have formed.
I look forward to her being home, as the pasture looks lonely with no horses. We did get a good start on the fencing with 900 ft up. Thanks to the help of Friends(they know who they are), it looks great and I am very happy to have it done and done right. Thank you.
Anyways, I am hoping to be on here more often now. Is not so painful to log-in and see Mare's picture. So till next time,
I am doing well in school and am really enjoying my classes this term. The kids are also doing better in school. Wally is still looking for work and our search as moved to more of Oregon. We have a few places to meet with in Central Oregon next week. I have mixed feelings as I want Wally to get the job, but I don't want to move...God will put us where he wants us..
Miss Jewel is doing awesome at the trainer's. I really enjoyed my last ride on her. However I need to work on sitting deeper in the saddle when making turns and stopping...I think it has to do with years of trail riding. Such bad habits I have formed.
I look forward to her being home, as the pasture looks lonely with no horses. We did get a good start on the fencing with 900 ft up. Thanks to the help of Friends(they know who they are), it looks great and I am very happy to have it done and done right. Thank you.
Anyways, I am hoping to be on here more often now. Is not so painful to log-in and see Mare's picture. So till next time,
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It has been a rough two weeks. I replay the day I lost Mare(everyday) and once I got pass the first few days, I started to wonder if she did break her neck. Several people have said that she went down(on what I described) in the same manner that a heart attacked would cause. Either way, she is now buried in the south pasture. I made her a promise that I would keep her for the rest of her life and she would be buried on my place. I held up my promise and with it I can rest.
Twelve years...Seems like a long time and yet a mere moment. She carried me, not only physically but mentally. She was my rock, my shoulder and my companion. I know that she was called for a reason, but she will be missed.
Twelve years...Seems like a long time and yet a mere moment. She carried me, not only physically but mentally. She was my rock, my shoulder and my companion. I know that she was called for a reason, but she will be missed.
Friday, April 3, 2009
God's Reins
(not sure who wrote it)
God gives us horses and compels some of us to love them. Yet why does the horse, an animal with such a big heart, live such a short life?
Perhaps it's because if our horses lived any longer, we wouldn't be able to bear losing them. Or, perhaps it's because God wants to slide.
Perhaps God looks down on the fine horses we raise and decides when it's His turn to ride. He gives us a few good years to care for and learn from them, but when the time is right, it's up to us to see them off gracefully.
Okay, perhaps not gracefully. Blowing into a Kleenex is rarely graceful. But we can be grateful.
To have a horse in your life is a gift. In the matter of a few short years, a horse can teach a girl courage, if she chooses to grab mane and hang on for dear life. Even the smallest of ponies is mightier than the tallest of girls.
To conquer the fear of falling off, having one's toes crushed, or being publicly humiliated at a horse show is an admirable feat for any child. For that, we can be grateful.
Horses teach us responsibility. Unlike a bicycle-or a computer-a horse needs regular care and most of it requires that you get dirty, smelly and up off the couch. Choosing to leave your cozy kitchen to break the crust of ice off the water buckets is to choose responsibility. When our horses dip their noses and drink heartily,we know we've made the right choice.
Learning to care for a horse is both an art and a science. Some are easy keepers, requiring little more than regular turn-out, a flake of hay,and a trough of clean water. Others will test you-you'll struggle to keep them from being too fat or too thin. You'll have their feet shod regularly only to find shoes gone missing. Some are so accident-prone you'll swear they're intentionally finding new ways to injure themselves.
If you weren't raised with horses, you can't know that they have unique personalities. You'd expect this from dogs, but horses? Indeed, there are clever horses, grumpy horses, and even horses with a sense of humor.
Those prone to humor will test you by finding new ways to escape from the barn when you least expect it.
Horses can be timid or brave, lazy or athletic, obstinate or willing. You will hit it off with some horses and others will elude you altogether.
There are as many "types" of horses as there are people-which makes the whole partnership thing all the more interesting. If you've never ridden a horse, you probably assume it's a simple thing you can learn in a weekend. You can, in fact, learn the basics on a Sunday-but to truly ride well takes a lifetime.
Working with a living being is far more complex than turning a key in the ignition and putting the car in "drive."In addition to listening to your instructor, your horse will have a few things to say to you as well.
On a good day, he'll be happy to go along with the program and tolerate your mistakes; on a bad day, you'll swear he's trying to kill you. Perhaps he's naughty or perhaps he's fed up with how slowly you're learning his language. Regardless, the horse will have an opinion.
He may choose to challenge you (which can ultimately make you a better rider) or he may carefully carry you over fences-if it suits him. It all depends on the partnership-and partnership is what it's all about.
If you face your fears, swallow your pride, and are willing to work at it, you'll learn lessons in courage, commitment, and compassion in addition to basic survival skills.
You'll discover just how hard you're willing to work toward a goal, how little you know, and how much you have to learn. And, while some people think the horse "does all the work", you'll be challenged physically as well as mentally.
Your horse may humble you completely. Or, you may find that sitting on his back is the closest you'll get to heaven. If we make it to adulthood with horses still in our lives, most of us have to squeeze riding into our over saturated schedules; balancing our need for things equine with those of our households and employers.
There is never enough time to ride, or to ride as well as we'd like. Hours in the barn are stolen pleasures.
If it is in your blood to love horses, you share your life with them. Our horses know our secrets; we braid our tears into their manes and whisper our hopes into their ears. A barn is a sanctuary in an unsettled world, a sheltered place where life's true priorities are clear: a warm place to sleep, someone who loves us, and the luxury of regular meals.
Some of us need these reminders. When you step back, it's not just about horses-it's about love, life, and learning.
On any given day, a friend is celebrating the birth of a foal, a blue ribbon, or recovery from an illness. That same day, there is also loss: a broken limb, a case of colic, a decision to sustain a life or end it gently.
As horse people, we share the accelerated life cycle of horses: the hurried rush of life, love, loss, and death that caring for these animals brings us.
When our partners pass, it is more than a moment of sorrow.We mark our loss with words of gratitude for the ways our lives have been blessed.
Our memories are of joy, awe, and wonder. Absolute union. We honor our horses for their brave hearts, courage, and willingness to give.
To those outside our circle, it must seem strange. To see us in our muddy boots, who would guess such poetry lives in our hearts?
We celebrate our companions with praise worthy of heroes.
Indeed, horses have the hearts of warriors and often carry us into and out of fields of battle.
Listen to stories of that once-in-a-lifetime horse; of journeys made and challenges met.
The best of horses rise to the challenges we set before them, asking little in return.
Those who know them understand how fully a horse can hold a human heart.
Together, we share the pain of sudden loss and the lingering taste of long-term illness.
We shoulder the burden of deciding when or whether to end the life of a true companion.
In the end, we're not certain if God entrusts us to our horses or our horses to us.
Does it matter? We're grateful God loaned us the horse in the first place. And so we pray:
Dear God,
After You've enjoyed a bit of riding, please give our fine horses the best of care. And, if it's not too much, might we have at least one more good gallop when we meet again?
God gives us horses and compels some of us to love them. Yet why does the horse, an animal with such a big heart, live such a short life?
Perhaps it's because if our horses lived any longer, we wouldn't be able to bear losing them. Or, perhaps it's because God wants to slide.
Perhaps God looks down on the fine horses we raise and decides when it's His turn to ride. He gives us a few good years to care for and learn from them, but when the time is right, it's up to us to see them off gracefully.
Okay, perhaps not gracefully. Blowing into a Kleenex is rarely graceful. But we can be grateful.
To have a horse in your life is a gift. In the matter of a few short years, a horse can teach a girl courage, if she chooses to grab mane and hang on for dear life. Even the smallest of ponies is mightier than the tallest of girls.
To conquer the fear of falling off, having one's toes crushed, or being publicly humiliated at a horse show is an admirable feat for any child. For that, we can be grateful.
Horses teach us responsibility. Unlike a bicycle-or a computer-a horse needs regular care and most of it requires that you get dirty, smelly and up off the couch. Choosing to leave your cozy kitchen to break the crust of ice off the water buckets is to choose responsibility. When our horses dip their noses and drink heartily,we know we've made the right choice.
Learning to care for a horse is both an art and a science. Some are easy keepers, requiring little more than regular turn-out, a flake of hay,and a trough of clean water. Others will test you-you'll struggle to keep them from being too fat or too thin. You'll have their feet shod regularly only to find shoes gone missing. Some are so accident-prone you'll swear they're intentionally finding new ways to injure themselves.
If you weren't raised with horses, you can't know that they have unique personalities. You'd expect this from dogs, but horses? Indeed, there are clever horses, grumpy horses, and even horses with a sense of humor.
Those prone to humor will test you by finding new ways to escape from the barn when you least expect it.
Horses can be timid or brave, lazy or athletic, obstinate or willing. You will hit it off with some horses and others will elude you altogether.
There are as many "types" of horses as there are people-which makes the whole partnership thing all the more interesting. If you've never ridden a horse, you probably assume it's a simple thing you can learn in a weekend. You can, in fact, learn the basics on a Sunday-but to truly ride well takes a lifetime.
Working with a living being is far more complex than turning a key in the ignition and putting the car in "drive."In addition to listening to your instructor, your horse will have a few things to say to you as well.
On a good day, he'll be happy to go along with the program and tolerate your mistakes; on a bad day, you'll swear he's trying to kill you. Perhaps he's naughty or perhaps he's fed up with how slowly you're learning his language. Regardless, the horse will have an opinion.
He may choose to challenge you (which can ultimately make you a better rider) or he may carefully carry you over fences-if it suits him. It all depends on the partnership-and partnership is what it's all about.
If you face your fears, swallow your pride, and are willing to work at it, you'll learn lessons in courage, commitment, and compassion in addition to basic survival skills.
You'll discover just how hard you're willing to work toward a goal, how little you know, and how much you have to learn. And, while some people think the horse "does all the work", you'll be challenged physically as well as mentally.
Your horse may humble you completely. Or, you may find that sitting on his back is the closest you'll get to heaven. If we make it to adulthood with horses still in our lives, most of us have to squeeze riding into our over saturated schedules; balancing our need for things equine with those of our households and employers.
There is never enough time to ride, or to ride as well as we'd like. Hours in the barn are stolen pleasures.
If it is in your blood to love horses, you share your life with them. Our horses know our secrets; we braid our tears into their manes and whisper our hopes into their ears. A barn is a sanctuary in an unsettled world, a sheltered place where life's true priorities are clear: a warm place to sleep, someone who loves us, and the luxury of regular meals.
Some of us need these reminders. When you step back, it's not just about horses-it's about love, life, and learning.
On any given day, a friend is celebrating the birth of a foal, a blue ribbon, or recovery from an illness. That same day, there is also loss: a broken limb, a case of colic, a decision to sustain a life or end it gently.
As horse people, we share the accelerated life cycle of horses: the hurried rush of life, love, loss, and death that caring for these animals brings us.
When our partners pass, it is more than a moment of sorrow.We mark our loss with words of gratitude for the ways our lives have been blessed.
Our memories are of joy, awe, and wonder. Absolute union. We honor our horses for their brave hearts, courage, and willingness to give.
To those outside our circle, it must seem strange. To see us in our muddy boots, who would guess such poetry lives in our hearts?
We celebrate our companions with praise worthy of heroes.
Indeed, horses have the hearts of warriors and often carry us into and out of fields of battle.
Listen to stories of that once-in-a-lifetime horse; of journeys made and challenges met.
The best of horses rise to the challenges we set before them, asking little in return.
Those who know them understand how fully a horse can hold a human heart.
Together, we share the pain of sudden loss and the lingering taste of long-term illness.
We shoulder the burden of deciding when or whether to end the life of a true companion.
In the end, we're not certain if God entrusts us to our horses or our horses to us.
Does it matter? We're grateful God loaned us the horse in the first place. And so we pray:
Dear God,
After You've enjoyed a bit of riding, please give our fine horses the best of care. And, if it's not too much, might we have at least one more good gallop when we meet again?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
With Great Sadness
My beautiful mustang, Mare, had a tragic accident this afternoon. She stumbled in the pasture and broke her neck. Wally who was closer to her and got there faster said she was gone before he got there. I had Mare for over ten years and am a loss to why this happened. I know that there was nothing I could have done differently. Sorry, but will write more later...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Everyday Life
So I have been lax on entries. I had finals week two weeks ago and then spring break(which is a week off for me). I managed two As and one B. I have yet to hear from my History of the Near Far East. I am very happy with those final grades.
Now I have started a new term and have two History classes(Art of MesoAmerica and US History(up to 1840), one math class and one geography class(Population). I have lots of writing to do again and also math work, which is more everyday math than specialized.
The boys did okay. Jacob passed all his classes with Cs or better for the semester and Kayvon got all his up except for English(although it is not a second language in our home). Both have been working hard to earn money. Jacob is again going to Band Camp and Kayvon lost his MP3 player a few weeks ago, and wants to replace it.
Mare went in for her vaccines and did very well this year. All the extra work on pinching her neck has paid off. We also did the PowerPac and after five days of worming she is much better about taking tube wormer. I have noticed that she does not look so bloated in the belly and I am hoping that she sheds fast this year. So much hair...
Jewel is also doing well. I have another appointment this Thursday to take her vaccines out to her and to hopefully ride. I am very excited and am looking forward to the summer months.
I did not get to ride at all during spring break. I did get most of the posts set in our ongoing fencing project. Maybe after eight years I will have the fence done. LOL
Wally is hanging in still. Had a few interviews and sending lots of application. He has started to look outside of town again(last time he had several offers, but we could not leave our home). We love it here. Like the small town feeling, less traffic and we have a home and land here. SO if we do not get something soon, then we might have to take an out of town job. Still praying that one will come available here. For right now the unenjoyment(as Wally calls it) is still there, and helps a great bit. Not nearly as bad as if we had no funds.
As for my job, still not sure. The school districts did not merge, but did realign. Which is good for the students, but we lost a high school in my district and those staff can bump us that do not have the time in. I know there is a list on who is where on time, but I did not look as I felt it might just stress me out. I should know something next week. Either way, I am okay with it. I love my job and would prefer to stay here, but if I am jobless in September, I will just take extra college classes and get my degree faster.
Overall a good month. Lots of blessing and things to be thankful for. I know we will not starve. Have savings that will do us a bit. God always seems to take care of us, although I would like it with winning the powerball..LOL
Till next time,
Now I have started a new term and have two History classes(Art of MesoAmerica and US History(up to 1840), one math class and one geography class(Population). I have lots of writing to do again and also math work, which is more everyday math than specialized.
The boys did okay. Jacob passed all his classes with Cs or better for the semester and Kayvon got all his up except for English(although it is not a second language in our home). Both have been working hard to earn money. Jacob is again going to Band Camp and Kayvon lost his MP3 player a few weeks ago, and wants to replace it.
Mare went in for her vaccines and did very well this year. All the extra work on pinching her neck has paid off. We also did the PowerPac and after five days of worming she is much better about taking tube wormer. I have noticed that she does not look so bloated in the belly and I am hoping that she sheds fast this year. So much hair...
Jewel is also doing well. I have another appointment this Thursday to take her vaccines out to her and to hopefully ride. I am very excited and am looking forward to the summer months.
I did not get to ride at all during spring break. I did get most of the posts set in our ongoing fencing project. Maybe after eight years I will have the fence done. LOL
Wally is hanging in still. Had a few interviews and sending lots of application. He has started to look outside of town again(last time he had several offers, but we could not leave our home). We love it here. Like the small town feeling, less traffic and we have a home and land here. SO if we do not get something soon, then we might have to take an out of town job. Still praying that one will come available here. For right now the unenjoyment(as Wally calls it) is still there, and helps a great bit. Not nearly as bad as if we had no funds.
As for my job, still not sure. The school districts did not merge, but did realign. Which is good for the students, but we lost a high school in my district and those staff can bump us that do not have the time in. I know there is a list on who is where on time, but I did not look as I felt it might just stress me out. I should know something next week. Either way, I am okay with it. I love my job and would prefer to stay here, but if I am jobless in September, I will just take extra college classes and get my degree faster.
Overall a good month. Lots of blessing and things to be thankful for. I know we will not starve. Have savings that will do us a bit. God always seems to take care of us, although I would like it with winning the powerball..LOL
Till next time,
Monday, March 16, 2009
What a Blast...
So last Thursday I drove out to the trainers to see how Miss Jewel was doing. I had a blast. Having never worked cattle (except to round up my neighbor's loose cows) I got a lesson, on Jewel. She is doing great. They said they have been working on slow maneuvers, so that she gets the basic down well and then will speed things up. So we did well together, as I was more than happy to just walk, turn and follow the cattle slowly. I learned how to watch a cow, what I am suppose to do on cutting one from the herd and also how to send that cow down the fence. I had so much fun, I think I might get addicted to it...Is it bad to wish for the neighbor's cows to get out now?????
On Friday, Kayvon and Wally had to go to the dentist and have a filling each. Once we got home both of them where done for the day, with a dentist appointment and the cold crud, both took a nap. So I headed over to a friend's house and we went for a trail ride...Boy are my legs sore from no riding all winter to two days at over an hour each time...But I was in heaven both days.
This week is Finals week for me. I have two finals and two papers. I feel confident on both test and feel that I should not have an issue with the papers. I am also glad to have two weeks off before the next term. Which I have a math class, a geography class, an art class and a history class. Will let every one know how I did this last term once I have my grades..I am pretty sure I will have B's across the board, but hoping for two A's.
Till next time,
On Friday, Kayvon and Wally had to go to the dentist and have a filling each. Once we got home both of them where done for the day, with a dentist appointment and the cold crud, both took a nap. So I headed over to a friend's house and we went for a trail ride...Boy are my legs sore from no riding all winter to two days at over an hour each time...But I was in heaven both days.
This week is Finals week for me. I have two finals and two papers. I feel confident on both test and feel that I should not have an issue with the papers. I am also glad to have two weeks off before the next term. Which I have a math class, a geography class, an art class and a history class. Will let every one know how I did this last term once I have my grades..I am pretty sure I will have B's across the board, but hoping for two A's.
Till next time,
Friday, March 6, 2009
*Update* Term Paper(Corn Belt)
Hey I got back my grade on the Corn Belt Paper. I got a 165 out of 200 and then I got all of the 25 points for the extra credit. So overall I got a 195/200. I am very happy.
The instructor's comments are all good and that I again did a good job but did not answer the original question and should have had better dates and more info on the effects of ground water contamination. But I am still very happy and I am very glad that I did the extra step of the tutor as that gave me a solid A over a low B...I am very proud of myself.....
The instructor's comments are all good and that I again did a good job but did not answer the original question and should have had better dates and more info on the effects of ground water contamination. But I am still very happy and I am very glad that I did the extra step of the tutor as that gave me a solid A over a low B...I am very proud of myself.....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
*Update* Mid-term
So I finally got back my midterm for the Ancient Near Far East(Mesopotamia and Egypt). I got a 51.5 out of 65(79.3%). I am very happy with that considering I went into the test not knowing what was expected. I had to do a map, which I got 3.5 out of 5, and answer three questions in essay form(16, 16.5 15.5). I read everything I was suppose to read and I answered the best I could with ink and paper(glad I was not marked down on spelling as I am dependent on spell check). It is a C, but a very high C, and I was very glad. I think it could have been worse. Now I know what is expected for the Final and I feel very confident that I can raise that grade.
Friday, February 27, 2009
What a week....
So it has been a heck of a week here. Last Friday my husband was temporarily laid-off from work. They are hoping that things will pick up in April. Kind of a blow in this economy. If I had know a few weeks ago, Jewel would not have been sent off. Thank goodness I have a savings. Also Wally has a personal savings for extras, which could be Top Ramen and Peanut Butter...LOL
I hope others are doing okay. I know it was scary getting the news, but I know that we always make it through the tough times. That we can weather it okay, I have that faith. However it sure is on my mind in the here and now.
Weather has been strange. Got some rain, a little snow this week and it is sunny and warm today. All the seasons in one week.
Till next time,
I hope others are doing okay. I know it was scary getting the news, but I know that we always make it through the tough times. That we can weather it okay, I have that faith. However it sure is on my mind in the here and now.
Weather has been strange. Got some rain, a little snow this week and it is sunny and warm today. All the seasons in one week.
Till next time,
Friday, February 20, 2009
Rose Coloured Glasses
So I know we all wear them at one time or another. But I think that one is surprised when we take them off and really look.
I know that I wear those glasses alot when it comes to looking at myself. I want to believe that I am a strong outgoing person. One who is morally correct, honest, trustworthy and has integrity. But lately I have noticed a few things about myself.
First is that I think I might be shy. I always thought a shy person is the one you saw sitting in a corner by themselves with hardly any friends. The loner maybe, the quiet one. But I realized that there could be more to it.
I have a fear of calling people besides the doctors and hotel reservations. I have my husband do the calling. Point in case, the Farrier. Our Farrier is a great guy and while he is there I will ask about his kids and wife, how work is going and if he got anything during hunting season, but I can not call him and set an appointment. Another case, cancelling or changing dates. I can not do it, my husband does this. He calls it "phone breaking up". He calls to cancel appointments or to let people know that we can not make it. Heck I had a hard time calling Jewel's trainer to see how she was doing(Wally refused to call for me) and I did not even called them to begin with to set up the training. My friend, who knows them, called and then gave me the phone..Sad, I know...
People I know and see other places, such as co-workers, people from the various clubs I am in, or parents of my boy's friends, I have a hard time approaching. If I know you and you walk up to me, I will chat with you. But if I have to approach and make the first move, I can not do it. My Husband sees people all the time and just jumps in and chats away, I stand in the background and hope that I am not asked anything. If I am with a group of people I know and they have other friends joining us, I am not the one to introduce myself, I will remain in the background until someone either asks who I am or someone else introduces me..
If I have a job, such as event registration, I have no problem talking with people, but if I have to do it on my own for no reason, then I can not. Is that really shyness?
Till next time,
I know that I wear those glasses alot when it comes to looking at myself. I want to believe that I am a strong outgoing person. One who is morally correct, honest, trustworthy and has integrity. But lately I have noticed a few things about myself.
First is that I think I might be shy. I always thought a shy person is the one you saw sitting in a corner by themselves with hardly any friends. The loner maybe, the quiet one. But I realized that there could be more to it.
I have a fear of calling people besides the doctors and hotel reservations. I have my husband do the calling. Point in case, the Farrier. Our Farrier is a great guy and while he is there I will ask about his kids and wife, how work is going and if he got anything during hunting season, but I can not call him and set an appointment. Another case, cancelling or changing dates. I can not do it, my husband does this. He calls it "phone breaking up". He calls to cancel appointments or to let people know that we can not make it. Heck I had a hard time calling Jewel's trainer to see how she was doing(Wally refused to call for me) and I did not even called them to begin with to set up the training. My friend, who knows them, called and then gave me the phone..Sad, I know...
People I know and see other places, such as co-workers, people from the various clubs I am in, or parents of my boy's friends, I have a hard time approaching. If I know you and you walk up to me, I will chat with you. But if I have to approach and make the first move, I can not do it. My Husband sees people all the time and just jumps in and chats away, I stand in the background and hope that I am not asked anything. If I am with a group of people I know and they have other friends joining us, I am not the one to introduce myself, I will remain in the background until someone either asks who I am or someone else introduces me..
If I have a job, such as event registration, I have no problem talking with people, but if I have to do it on my own for no reason, then I can not. Is that really shyness?
Till next time,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
If you have read my blog you know by now that I have two teenage boys. Kayvon is 15 and Jacob is 13(soon to be 14). They keep me on my toes and remind me that we could be worst. I thought I was grateful to have boys rather than girls, but now that we are at the teen years I am thinking they are both bad.
Jacob has been, what I call, the hands on kind of kid. As a toddler and in grade school he would not keep his hands to himself. He managed to pull both rear view mirrors of my two farm rigs. Put pennies in the tape decks, marbles in the VCR, eat anything in the cabinets that he could reach(or climb to) and all sorts of boy things. In grade school he was in more trouble for poking kids with pencils, eating other's lunches, pushing on the play ground and repeating all the barnyard words that I use. (Shit is not an appropriate word for school). But now that he is in Junior High, he has calmed down. Works well, keeps his hands to himself and knows what not to say at school. Does decent in school work and if I ask enough does all his chores. He is polite at others houses, works well for others and listens.
Kayvon has always been the good kid. Hardly ever cried as a baby, entertained himself as a toddler, did not wonder far from adults. Does decent in school and all his teachers liked him. And that is were the problem lays. Now that he is in High school, he is being teased for being liked and doing well in class. He feels that the teachers and bus driver plays favorites and he is it. So kids this year have been picking on him. On the bus they have destroyed assignments, clothing, backpacks and just plain mean words. Kayvon was doing okay, but his grades have been nearly failing and a couple of weeks ago all went to pot.
Kayvon decided that the kids on the bus would not pick on him if he did something to get in trouble for. So he smeared frosting all over a bus seat and then passed it on to another kid that spread it over the emergency exit. Then Kayvon lied to the VP at the High school and to us and that it was an accident. I was very upset and asked to see the video and sure enough Kayvon did it on purpose. He was assigned Saturday/Wednesday School. I was more rattled than anything. After we saw the tape Kayvon came clean and told us what was going on. How do you deal with the world and explain that to a teenager. Then last week a kid that goes to school with Kayvon comes up to Wally and tells him he overheard Kayvon ask for a knife(from three girls) to stab someone. Mind you, this kid came to us and not the school officials. I was upset, what is happening he with my kid? What is he thinking?? Well I called home, as they had the day off and was spending it with my mother and had Jacob go home and Kayvon watched like a hawk till I could get home.
In the end, Kayvon and the three girls he was with, said they were talking about a sub teacher and how they liked them. Kayvon said the class was so boring that he could have stabbed himself with a knife and been more entertained. The three girls he was with had the same story and I have not heard from the school yet. I gave him the lecture for hell. Had him in tears. I am going to believe him this time as he has never shown any tendencies for violence towards himself or others(except what brothers do to each other).
I wish kids had a manual. What as a parent is one suppose to do?? I pray that my two boys will grow up to be contributing members of society. That they will be happy and well adjusted. I know that life has it twists and turns but I am getting a bit seasick on this ride of teenager hood.
As always till next time,
Jacob has been, what I call, the hands on kind of kid. As a toddler and in grade school he would not keep his hands to himself. He managed to pull both rear view mirrors of my two farm rigs. Put pennies in the tape decks, marbles in the VCR, eat anything in the cabinets that he could reach(or climb to) and all sorts of boy things. In grade school he was in more trouble for poking kids with pencils, eating other's lunches, pushing on the play ground and repeating all the barnyard words that I use. (Shit is not an appropriate word for school). But now that he is in Junior High, he has calmed down. Works well, keeps his hands to himself and knows what not to say at school. Does decent in school work and if I ask enough does all his chores. He is polite at others houses, works well for others and listens.
Kayvon has always been the good kid. Hardly ever cried as a baby, entertained himself as a toddler, did not wonder far from adults. Does decent in school and all his teachers liked him. And that is were the problem lays. Now that he is in High school, he is being teased for being liked and doing well in class. He feels that the teachers and bus driver plays favorites and he is it. So kids this year have been picking on him. On the bus they have destroyed assignments, clothing, backpacks and just plain mean words. Kayvon was doing okay, but his grades have been nearly failing and a couple of weeks ago all went to pot.
Kayvon decided that the kids on the bus would not pick on him if he did something to get in trouble for. So he smeared frosting all over a bus seat and then passed it on to another kid that spread it over the emergency exit. Then Kayvon lied to the VP at the High school and to us and that it was an accident. I was very upset and asked to see the video and sure enough Kayvon did it on purpose. He was assigned Saturday/Wednesday School. I was more rattled than anything. After we saw the tape Kayvon came clean and told us what was going on. How do you deal with the world and explain that to a teenager. Then last week a kid that goes to school with Kayvon comes up to Wally and tells him he overheard Kayvon ask for a knife(from three girls) to stab someone. Mind you, this kid came to us and not the school officials. I was upset, what is happening he with my kid? What is he thinking?? Well I called home, as they had the day off and was spending it with my mother and had Jacob go home and Kayvon watched like a hawk till I could get home.
In the end, Kayvon and the three girls he was with, said they were talking about a sub teacher and how they liked them. Kayvon said the class was so boring that he could have stabbed himself with a knife and been more entertained. The three girls he was with had the same story and I have not heard from the school yet. I gave him the lecture for hell. Had him in tears. I am going to believe him this time as he has never shown any tendencies for violence towards himself or others(except what brothers do to each other).
I wish kids had a manual. What as a parent is one suppose to do?? I pray that my two boys will grow up to be contributing members of society. That they will be happy and well adjusted. I know that life has it twists and turns but I am getting a bit seasick on this ride of teenager hood.
As always till next time,
The Corn Belt
That is what my term paper was on and boy do I feel that like I failed the assignment. I turned it in last night and I just do not feel that I did well. I am usually good on reports, or I like to think so, but this one kick my hinny. I was just lost. I had plenty of time and I even turned it into a tutor. They had good things to say, but felt I had not answered the question. Looking back I am still not sure that I got it answered well enough. Anyways, thanks for listening to me vent my frustrations.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Mid-Terms, Term Papers and Lessons
Holy Cow, did I overload myself. I have a term paper due tonight and yes I am sick of it. That is why I am updating my blog. Sounds like I am working on the paper, but I am taking a break. LOL
I took three mid-terms last week. So far I got a high C(77.5%) on the geography test. And I am happy with that. I just forgot how much work college classes are. I have not heard back on the Ancient Near Fast East class or the Geography of Science class. I am worried on the first mention class and will let all know how I did..
Now I am working on two term papers, due this week and I still have a quiz and seven essay questions to do before Friday. I am just swamped. Remind me why I decided to got back to school???
On to better things. I found a trainer for Jewel. Mare is 15 in August and I love her to death. She is a horse you can let sit all winter(or years) and then just go grab, saddle up and ride down the trail. No issues. Jewel is 5 in April and although I had 60 days put on her, I am not comfortable just hopping on an heading down the trail. Also she is pushy compared to Mare and I am not fond of that. And with two horses and just me who rides(as my oldest moved on to different things now), I looked hard at what I was doing with them. They make great lawn mowers, but do I need two horses?
So after much discussions with Wally we decide to send Jewel off for more training, rather than just placing her in a new home (as the market sucks here and she just being a 14HH mustang). So what kind of training?? Cows....
Gale who I trail ride with over the summer (and who taught me to carriage drive) wants to team pen. She is getting cows this spring and used to work cattle before moving here. So with Mare I am sure she would work cows if I set her to it, but why not have Jewel do that....So off she went and if it does not work out, then I think she has a better chance of finding a good home rather than just another green horse.
I am kinda excited. I used to show horses in Halter, English and a few times Barrel Racing(english horses just are not programmed for that). But got out because of politics and just rude people in general. Lately I have just been trail riding. Have I work cows before??? Um, dairy cows on the ground, does that count?? I am a bit nervous I will make a fool out of myself, but I figure that if Jewel knows what to do and a few lessons for myself, I can do it also. It looks like fun... So on to another adventure...
*Update* The ewe had her lambs Sunday night.
Till next time,
I took three mid-terms last week. So far I got a high C(77.5%) on the geography test. And I am happy with that. I just forgot how much work college classes are. I have not heard back on the Ancient Near Fast East class or the Geography of Science class. I am worried on the first mention class and will let all know how I did..
Now I am working on two term papers, due this week and I still have a quiz and seven essay questions to do before Friday. I am just swamped. Remind me why I decided to got back to school???
On to better things. I found a trainer for Jewel. Mare is 15 in August and I love her to death. She is a horse you can let sit all winter(or years) and then just go grab, saddle up and ride down the trail. No issues. Jewel is 5 in April and although I had 60 days put on her, I am not comfortable just hopping on an heading down the trail. Also she is pushy compared to Mare and I am not fond of that. And with two horses and just me who rides(as my oldest moved on to different things now), I looked hard at what I was doing with them. They make great lawn mowers, but do I need two horses?
So after much discussions with Wally we decide to send Jewel off for more training, rather than just placing her in a new home (as the market sucks here and she just being a 14HH mustang). So what kind of training?? Cows....
Gale who I trail ride with over the summer (and who taught me to carriage drive) wants to team pen. She is getting cows this spring and used to work cattle before moving here. So with Mare I am sure she would work cows if I set her to it, but why not have Jewel do that....So off she went and if it does not work out, then I think she has a better chance of finding a good home rather than just another green horse.
I am kinda excited. I used to show horses in Halter, English and a few times Barrel Racing(english horses just are not programmed for that). But got out because of politics and just rude people in general. Lately I have just been trail riding. Have I work cows before??? Um, dairy cows on the ground, does that count?? I am a bit nervous I will make a fool out of myself, but I figure that if Jewel knows what to do and a few lessons for myself, I can do it also. It looks like fun... So on to another adventure...
*Update* The ewe had her lambs Sunday night.
Till next time,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I posted in a few post ago that I was going back to college. Well that has kept me from here. I took 14 credits, which is a big load for someone just heading back after 6 years. I thought what the heck, jump in with both feet.
Well I sure could use a rope about now..
I took two History courses and two Geography course. I have over 600 pages a week to read and all are writing intensive. I have seen my two girls only at feeding time and it shows. They look like free range mustangs during the muddy season.. Oh wait, they are mustangs and it is the muddy season...Still I hate it when they look like that.
So what have I been doing in my free time. Well I read and I read and my poor brain is frizzled with Egyptian and Mesopotamia culture. I find the reading similar to stereo instructions, and I think I have all their gods mixed up. Then I have history of the Pacific Northwest. I love the reading there, but am not so hot on all the essay questions I need to answer. I also have Geography of the US and Canada, this is fun and I enjoy it a great deal. Last I have the Geography of Science, this is also a great class.
In my other time I have been shuttling the boys to Winter Formals, Ski trips, Band concerts and oh, Kayvon passed his written test and now has his driving permit. We have been telling people to stay off the sidewalks..LOL
Last week I house sat for a friend. Her ewes are due and she needed us there to check on them thru the night. (10pm-2am-6am) Basically you head out in the dark, make sure the ewe is not having the lambs and then head back to bed. The lambs are cute, but those ewes do not always lamb when it is most convenient for you. She also has three Border Collies, a Rat Terrier, a big orange cat and a 3lb Yorkie and then I brought along my Lab and JRT. Boy, did the critters have a blast. I managed to get sleep and some reading done. However going from a Cal-King bed with only a Husband, dog and cat to a queen with three dogs, a cat and a husband was a challenge..LOL Overall no ewes lambed for us while we were there, but I had a great time and would gladly do it again.
Otherwise life is just puttering along. I got my taxes done and I get money back rather than have to pay. I got a raise at work and I am slowing paying the CCs off. Now if I could just win the Powerball all would be awesome.
Till next time,
Well I sure could use a rope about now..
I took two History courses and two Geography course. I have over 600 pages a week to read and all are writing intensive. I have seen my two girls only at feeding time and it shows. They look like free range mustangs during the muddy season.. Oh wait, they are mustangs and it is the muddy season...Still I hate it when they look like that.
So what have I been doing in my free time. Well I read and I read and my poor brain is frizzled with Egyptian and Mesopotamia culture. I find the reading similar to stereo instructions, and I think I have all their gods mixed up. Then I have history of the Pacific Northwest. I love the reading there, but am not so hot on all the essay questions I need to answer. I also have Geography of the US and Canada, this is fun and I enjoy it a great deal. Last I have the Geography of Science, this is also a great class.
In my other time I have been shuttling the boys to Winter Formals, Ski trips, Band concerts and oh, Kayvon passed his written test and now has his driving permit. We have been telling people to stay off the sidewalks..LOL
Last week I house sat for a friend. Her ewes are due and she needed us there to check on them thru the night. (10pm-2am-6am) Basically you head out in the dark, make sure the ewe is not having the lambs and then head back to bed. The lambs are cute, but those ewes do not always lamb when it is most convenient for you. She also has three Border Collies, a Rat Terrier, a big orange cat and a 3lb Yorkie and then I brought along my Lab and JRT. Boy, did the critters have a blast. I managed to get sleep and some reading done. However going from a Cal-King bed with only a Husband, dog and cat to a queen with three dogs, a cat and a husband was a challenge..LOL Overall no ewes lambed for us while we were there, but I had a great time and would gladly do it again.
Otherwise life is just puttering along. I got my taxes done and I get money back rather than have to pay. I got a raise at work and I am slowing paying the CCs off. Now if I could just win the Powerball all would be awesome.
Till next time,
Friday, January 9, 2009
Sleep Deprived
Last night I woke at 1am and could not get back to sleep. As I laid there looking into the dark I realized where science fiction comes from.
Strange sounds. I think a chicken is out by the lamb pen. I get up and look into the dark. Nothing. I lay back down. Eerie squeaks and gurgles continue. My mind produces the thoughts of alien voices. Are they in the room or outside my window? I look around the room, is that something crouched next to the laundry hamper?, What is that tall dark object standing in the closet?? Soft thumping in the floor. Are those footsteps in the hall? I look away, snuggle closer to my husband's back and tell myself that it is just my mind working overtime.
I roll over and put an arm around my husband. The sounds start again, but with my ear to his back I soon find the noise. I am surprised that one's gut can make so much sound.
Funny, I thought the world would be quiet this late at night.
As I lay there, with nothing to do and no sleep in sight, I listen.
The house still groans with the settling. The wood floors creak as the temperature drops. A low dull hum outside our bedroom window. Is it the gas meter or the power lines? The furnace pilot light roars to life and shortly the fan kicks on. The sound of a soft wind as warm air is pushed through the house. The wood floors creak as they warm back up. The water heater also kicks on, and the sharp pinging of expanding metal can be heard.
As the house warms up a bit and the furnace and water heater quiet down, I notice the low rumble of the refrigerator, is it always there? Under all the other sounds?
The warmth has roused my oldest boy. The confusing sound of bed sheets being moved, the solid patter of feet. The squeal of his door opening. The grinding of the bathroom door hinges that are coming out of the door. The reassuring sound of water hitting water. The deep whooshing of the flushing toilet. The funny squeak of the tap. A fumbling in the dark for a towel. The grinding of the door hinges again. The solid patter of footsteps, the deep grunt of the bed giving under his weight. The rustling of bedding and the contended sigh of one sliding back into sleep.
The dog groans and gives a small fart. Soon he is rearranging himself into a more comfortable position. Husband stretches a bit and rolls to his back. The cat is industrially cleaning herself, small sounds of her tongue roughly combing her hair. The wood floors start creaking again, as they cool off.
I hear a car on the road. The brakes whine to a stop. The driver punches it to take off. A dog barks in the distance. Tonight it is clear and I can hear the bells and whistle of the mill a mile away. The backup beeps of equipment and the release of stream. The train can also be heard, the long blast of the horn echoes. You can tell which way they are traveling by the pitch of the horn. It reaches the crossing on our road and at 1/2 a mile away I can tell there is a joint in the tracks at the crossing, a deep rocking sound. I think that if one listened hard enough you could count the cars.
I notice a difference in the light. A soft glow around the edges. Have a slept a bit? Where did the time go? The rooster starts to crow. My lab wonders the house with a clicking of too long nails. My youngest can be heard looking for clothes in his dresser, an odd fumbling. Again comes the sound of the bathroom hinges, grinding a deep menacing sound. The quiet grating of the shower door sliding in its track. The soothing sound of the shower, like autumn rain. The hurtful bumping of elbows on the wall as an adolescent body tries to find harmony with space. The few song birds left start the small chirpings of a new day.
Traffic is busy this morning. A truck used his jake brake to make the stop. Someone has the bass turned up in their car and it sounds likes a war drum.
The symphony of the day begins, all the sounds blending into a song.
I stretch to work the knots out of tired muscles. Sitting up in bed I notice that my jeans and bath towel lay crumpled next to the hamper. The tall object in the closet, a rifle case set on end. Where did I get aliens? I must be sleep deprived...
Strange sounds. I think a chicken is out by the lamb pen. I get up and look into the dark. Nothing. I lay back down. Eerie squeaks and gurgles continue. My mind produces the thoughts of alien voices. Are they in the room or outside my window? I look around the room, is that something crouched next to the laundry hamper?, What is that tall dark object standing in the closet?? Soft thumping in the floor. Are those footsteps in the hall? I look away, snuggle closer to my husband's back and tell myself that it is just my mind working overtime.
I roll over and put an arm around my husband. The sounds start again, but with my ear to his back I soon find the noise. I am surprised that one's gut can make so much sound.
Funny, I thought the world would be quiet this late at night.
As I lay there, with nothing to do and no sleep in sight, I listen.
The house still groans with the settling. The wood floors creak as the temperature drops. A low dull hum outside our bedroom window. Is it the gas meter or the power lines? The furnace pilot light roars to life and shortly the fan kicks on. The sound of a soft wind as warm air is pushed through the house. The wood floors creak as they warm back up. The water heater also kicks on, and the sharp pinging of expanding metal can be heard.
As the house warms up a bit and the furnace and water heater quiet down, I notice the low rumble of the refrigerator, is it always there? Under all the other sounds?
The warmth has roused my oldest boy. The confusing sound of bed sheets being moved, the solid patter of feet. The squeal of his door opening. The grinding of the bathroom door hinges that are coming out of the door. The reassuring sound of water hitting water. The deep whooshing of the flushing toilet. The funny squeak of the tap. A fumbling in the dark for a towel. The grinding of the door hinges again. The solid patter of footsteps, the deep grunt of the bed giving under his weight. The rustling of bedding and the contended sigh of one sliding back into sleep.
The dog groans and gives a small fart. Soon he is rearranging himself into a more comfortable position. Husband stretches a bit and rolls to his back. The cat is industrially cleaning herself, small sounds of her tongue roughly combing her hair. The wood floors start creaking again, as they cool off.
I hear a car on the road. The brakes whine to a stop. The driver punches it to take off. A dog barks in the distance. Tonight it is clear and I can hear the bells and whistle of the mill a mile away. The backup beeps of equipment and the release of stream. The train can also be heard, the long blast of the horn echoes. You can tell which way they are traveling by the pitch of the horn. It reaches the crossing on our road and at 1/2 a mile away I can tell there is a joint in the tracks at the crossing, a deep rocking sound. I think that if one listened hard enough you could count the cars.
I notice a difference in the light. A soft glow around the edges. Have a slept a bit? Where did the time go? The rooster starts to crow. My lab wonders the house with a clicking of too long nails. My youngest can be heard looking for clothes in his dresser, an odd fumbling. Again comes the sound of the bathroom hinges, grinding a deep menacing sound. The quiet grating of the shower door sliding in its track. The soothing sound of the shower, like autumn rain. The hurtful bumping of elbows on the wall as an adolescent body tries to find harmony with space. The few song birds left start the small chirpings of a new day.
Traffic is busy this morning. A truck used his jake brake to make the stop. Someone has the bass turned up in their car and it sounds likes a war drum.
The symphony of the day begins, all the sounds blending into a song.
I stretch to work the knots out of tired muscles. Sitting up in bed I notice that my jeans and bath towel lay crumpled next to the hamper. The tall object in the closet, a rifle case set on end. Where did I get aliens? I must be sleep deprived...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A New Year
Wow, what a hectic Christmas vacation. However, I do not feel that I have got anything done though. LOL
So what does the new year have in store??
First off I have gone back to school. First term looked scary. What am I thinking going back to school? I am taking four classes and I have 11 text books. Also did I mention it is online. I have to have some of my mid-terms/exam proctored, but otherwise all online. Lectures, discussions, quizzes, assignments, the whole nine yards. I was terrified to check in on Monday. But I did it. I even got assignments done and one paper. I am very excited. My mind made it out to be worse than it was..
Next is Kayvon. He gets to test for his driving permit on the 20th. Wow, where did the time go? I remember when he was excited to be able to ride my old gelding for the first time. Now he wants to drive my truck(okay, he wanted to drive my sports car first, but that is not happening). Also he has grown so much. I think he is almost 6 foot now. A size 11 shoe.
Jacob is just growing. Got a snowboard for Christmas and is looking to hit the mountain. Otherwise is just working on keeping his grades up and collecting cans for Band Camp. Price jumped this year and he was scared that he would not get to go...I told him to just work hard and the cans will be there...
Wally is excited for another year of competing. We have only three major matches this year and two smaller matches. He is hoping to improve our range so that his Dad, Jacob and him can get more practice time.
For the whole family we will raise market lambs, a show rabbit(River) , two show hens (Miss Red and Miss Snow) and hopefully a relaxing week at the coast after fair.
I have one out of town horse show(the Oregon Gold Coast). I am not taking any of my girls, as they are not of the right breed or color and am going mainly as help. Excited to go watch though. I might make a few in-town shows but will see. The girls are doing well with this weird weather. Jewel is doing much better, but still has what I call baby moments.
I hope all have a good year to come.
Till next time,
So what does the new year have in store??
First off I have gone back to school. First term looked scary. What am I thinking going back to school? I am taking four classes and I have 11 text books. Also did I mention it is online. I have to have some of my mid-terms/exam proctored, but otherwise all online. Lectures, discussions, quizzes, assignments, the whole nine yards. I was terrified to check in on Monday. But I did it. I even got assignments done and one paper. I am very excited. My mind made it out to be worse than it was..
Next is Kayvon. He gets to test for his driving permit on the 20th. Wow, where did the time go? I remember when he was excited to be able to ride my old gelding for the first time. Now he wants to drive my truck(okay, he wanted to drive my sports car first, but that is not happening). Also he has grown so much. I think he is almost 6 foot now. A size 11 shoe.
Jacob is just growing. Got a snowboard for Christmas and is looking to hit the mountain. Otherwise is just working on keeping his grades up and collecting cans for Band Camp. Price jumped this year and he was scared that he would not get to go...I told him to just work hard and the cans will be there...
Wally is excited for another year of competing. We have only three major matches this year and two smaller matches. He is hoping to improve our range so that his Dad, Jacob and him can get more practice time.
For the whole family we will raise market lambs, a show rabbit(River) , two show hens (Miss Red and Miss Snow) and hopefully a relaxing week at the coast after fair.
I have one out of town horse show(the Oregon Gold Coast). I am not taking any of my girls, as they are not of the right breed or color and am going mainly as help. Excited to go watch though. I might make a few in-town shows but will see. The girls are doing well with this weird weather. Jewel is doing much better, but still has what I call baby moments.
I hope all have a good year to come.
Till next time,
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