Monday, May 11, 2009

A great week...

Last week I got to go out and work with Jewel, two days in a row. I was very happy and I really enjoyed the work(I cleaned a stall and helped doctor a horse too).

The weather was okay, as it rained pretty much all week, but we need it. It makes everything look so clean too(except for muddy horses).

My hens are hatching out chicks and they are so cute when they are little. Just want to pick them up and squeeze them. But we don't as they just don't handle that well..LOL

We also attended the Oregon Single Stack this weekend. Boy are we out of practice!!!! Wally has not been able to practice since he burned his hand. Which was two weeks ago. It was almost third degree burn. He had blisters under blisters. However, it is healing very well and should not leave too big of scars. Very lucky.

Jacob placed third in Juniors but we did not look at the overall standings.. The boys (Jeff, Wally and Jacob) were just not on their game and it showed with high times, several misses(mikes) and poor scores. On Sunday we attended the 3-Gun match(local). Here we did better, but again the lack of practice shows. Wally and Jeff(Wally's dad) plan on working on our range and improving it a bit. We have talked about it for the last two years as the weather has taken a toll on the berm. It needs to be about three feet taller at this point and they would like to add a side berm to help with noise.

Overall a good week and weekend. I will try to upload some pictures of Jewel and the competition..

Till next time,