Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So with just myself at home and no one there who enjoys riding, I have decide to take some riding lessons. (at least to see how bad I have become)

My first lesson was last friday, but the weather decided I must not have been ready as it rained the whole day. Heck, it rained on and off all weekend. So I spent that time going over what I want to accomplish, what I "think" are my weak points and what my goal for the year is.

I am really excited. I have a younger mare and I am hoping with the extra lessons for myself, her and I will be able to meet my horsey goals...

Just thinking about riding has lifted my spirits. Has given me an extra boost in energy. I remember all the fun and enjoyment I got from my horses years ago and I look forward to that.

Will try to keep up with the week to week sucess of my riding.

As for the rest of me, I have been good this week. Dug deep and shared some fears with my husband. It is amazing that all these years, one keeps such odd things tucked away in memory(or the closet). Why did I let these things bother me so long???

Till then, let it rain and enjoy the washing,

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


What is courage?

According to Webster's New Expolorer Dictionary:
Courage(n), the ability to conquer fear or despair.

Do I have that? I am not so sure on some days. Is it the ability to face them or to truly conquer them...But what does conquer exactly mean?

Conquer(n), defeat or overcome.

So have I done that?? In some aspects I have. In others not so much.

I have a fear of failure, do I want to overcome that. Well not really, failure helps us to learn. To become better with one's self or with one's ability.

I do despair, and with time and support I will conquer that. All takes time.

Courage, I feel is more about facing those fears and despair and saying "this to will pass".

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wow, what one notices when one thinks...LOL

So lately with gas prices they way they are, I have been heading home after work, rather than doing little things here and there in town.
So at home I am by myself(well the only one that talks). So I have been thinking, scary business at times. I try not to let it get me down as that is a major trigger for my "down" days.
Well, I realized that I am scared to ride by myself(great imagination, broken legs, no phone, death and the such). Mind you I have two very calm horses that are just great. But they are still horses.
I also realized that what people think of me, is really important. Why I ask myself. Do their thoughts make me who I am, do their opinions change they way I act towards my family and my self. No and NO. So why do I let it bother me???? Why should I care what others think??? Last month, I make a comment about ones business(website spelling). It was just to help(as I really enjoy helping others). Well I was attacked, by one the the gals friends. I let it bother me for weeks. I even emailed the owner and apologized if I had offended her and that I was only trying to help..This gave me down days, for days...And I did not sleep well either. Why did I let it bother me?????

In the end I think I am over it. I do not know them personally, although we live in the same area, I will more than likely never met this person either. I guess in some respects I just never got the hard outer shell that I was to learn in School...Oh well.

Thanks for listening,