Monday, March 16, 2009

What a Blast...

So last Thursday I drove out to the trainers to see how Miss Jewel was doing. I had a blast. Having never worked cattle (except to round up my neighbor's loose cows) I got a lesson, on Jewel. She is doing great. They said they have been working on slow maneuvers, so that she gets the basic down well and then will speed things up. So we did well together, as I was more than happy to just walk, turn and follow the cattle slowly. I learned how to watch a cow, what I am suppose to do on cutting one from the herd and also how to send that cow down the fence. I had so much fun, I think I might get addicted to it...Is it bad to wish for the neighbor's cows to get out now?????

On Friday, Kayvon and Wally had to go to the dentist and have a filling each. Once we got home both of them where done for the day, with a dentist appointment and the cold crud, both took a nap. So I headed over to a friend's house and we went for a trail ride...Boy are my legs sore from no riding all winter to two days at over an hour each time...But I was in heaven both days.

This week is Finals week for me. I have two finals and two papers. I feel confident on both test and feel that I should not have an issue with the papers. I am also glad to have two weeks off before the next term. Which I have a math class, a geography class, an art class and a history class. Will let every one know how I did this last term once I have my grades..I am pretty sure I will have B's across the board, but hoping for two A's.

Till next time,

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