Friday, April 24, 2009

I am okay...

As usual life has gone on...

I am doing well in school and am really enjoying my classes this term. The kids are also doing better in school. Wally is still looking for work and our search as moved to more of Oregon. We have a few places to meet with in Central Oregon next week. I have mixed feelings as I want Wally to get the job, but I don't want to move...God will put us where he wants us..

Miss Jewel is doing awesome at the trainer's. I really enjoyed my last ride on her. However I need to work on sitting deeper in the saddle when making turns and stopping...I think it has to do with years of trail riding. Such bad habits I have formed.

I look forward to her being home, as the pasture looks lonely with no horses. We did get a good start on the fencing with 900 ft up. Thanks to the help of Friends(they know who they are), it looks great and I am very happy to have it done and done right. Thank you.

Anyways, I am hoping to be on here more often now. Is not so painful to log-in and see Mare's picture. So till next time,

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