Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer's End

I have neglected this blog along with many things this summer. Life's ups and downs kept me busy all summer and I might get a break now that school is back in session and I am back to work.

I last left off in mid-May, just four days after I tore the tendons in my lower back and was on complete bed rest for two weeks. From there it has been off and on. I have been very careful with my back now and unfortunately that has left Jewel in the pasture. We did get her home, just the day before my back and thus she has enjoyed a very easy summer. I have got to ride her three times. Once at Lily Glen, and twice with my friend Jackie. All three times were great fun, however after the first one (Lily Glen) I was back to bed rest for a few days. And the last time which was this last Friday, I can see that my horse needs me to be there riding and not just looking at her. But enough of horse things now.

For the new stuff:

We have enrolled the boys into the school I work at. Odd to see them throughout the day and I know I was more worried for them, then they were for themselves. Kayvon is doing well as he has one year of high school under his belt. Jacob is doing awesome and I think he is looking forward to the whole high school experience. Hard to believe that they are now both high schoolers.

Wally's hand healed well and no scars, can hardly tell where he burned it at all. Still looking for solid work, but is working for a new radio station on commissions. Which have been none since he started in July. Thank goodness he still applies for all jobs and hopefully something great will work out for us. I have faith and we have been taken care of over the summer.

I am back to work in Study Hall, also still working on my own schooling. Just a few more years and I will be done. Tough with a lot of writing, but very enjoyable subjects so far..LOL

Anyways, now that we are back to schedules and such I am hoping to keep up on the blog. I also have a facebook account for those who want to follow there...

Till next time,

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