Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I posted in a few post ago that I was going back to college. Well that has kept me from here. I took 14 credits, which is a big load for someone just heading back after 6 years. I thought what the heck, jump in with both feet.

Well I sure could use a rope about now..

I took two History courses and two Geography course. I have over 600 pages a week to read and all are writing intensive. I have seen my two girls only at feeding time and it shows. They look like free range mustangs during the muddy season.. Oh wait, they are mustangs and it is the muddy season...Still I hate it when they look like that.

So what have I been doing in my free time. Well I read and I read and my poor brain is frizzled with Egyptian and Mesopotamia culture. I find the reading similar to stereo instructions, and I think I have all their gods mixed up. Then I have history of the Pacific Northwest. I love the reading there, but am not so hot on all the essay questions I need to answer. I also have Geography of the US and Canada, this is fun and I enjoy it a great deal. Last I have the Geography of Science, this is also a great class.

In my other time I have been shuttling the boys to Winter Formals, Ski trips, Band concerts and oh, Kayvon passed his written test and now has his driving permit. We have been telling people to stay off the sidewalks..LOL

Last week I house sat for a friend. Her ewes are due and she needed us there to check on them thru the night. (10pm-2am-6am) Basically you head out in the dark, make sure the ewe is not having the lambs and then head back to bed. The lambs are cute, but those ewes do not always lamb when it is most convenient for you. She also has three Border Collies, a Rat Terrier, a big orange cat and a 3lb Yorkie and then I brought along my Lab and JRT. Boy, did the critters have a blast. I managed to get sleep and some reading done. However going from a Cal-King bed with only a Husband, dog and cat to a queen with three dogs, a cat and a husband was a challenge..LOL Overall no ewes lambed for us while we were there, but I had a great time and would gladly do it again.

Otherwise life is just puttering along. I got my taxes done and I get money back rather than have to pay. I got a raise at work and I am slowing paying the CCs off. Now if I could just win the Powerball all would be awesome.

Till next time,

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