Friday, February 20, 2009

Rose Coloured Glasses

So I know we all wear them at one time or another. But I think that one is surprised when we take them off and really look.

I know that I wear those glasses alot when it comes to looking at myself. I want to believe that I am a strong outgoing person. One who is morally correct, honest, trustworthy and has integrity. But lately I have noticed a few things about myself.

First is that I think I might be shy. I always thought a shy person is the one you saw sitting in a corner by themselves with hardly any friends. The loner maybe, the quiet one. But I realized that there could be more to it.

I have a fear of calling people besides the doctors and hotel reservations. I have my husband do the calling. Point in case, the Farrier. Our Farrier is a great guy and while he is there I will ask about his kids and wife, how work is going and if he got anything during hunting season, but I can not call him and set an appointment. Another case, cancelling or changing dates. I can not do it, my husband does this. He calls it "phone breaking up". He calls to cancel appointments or to let people know that we can not make it. Heck I had a hard time calling Jewel's trainer to see how she was doing(Wally refused to call for me) and I did not even called them to begin with to set up the training. My friend, who knows them, called and then gave me the phone..Sad, I know...

People I know and see other places, such as co-workers, people from the various clubs I am in, or parents of my boy's friends, I have a hard time approaching. If I know you and you walk up to me, I will chat with you. But if I have to approach and make the first move, I can not do it. My Husband sees people all the time and just jumps in and chats away, I stand in the background and hope that I am not asked anything. If I am with a group of people I know and they have other friends joining us, I am not the one to introduce myself, I will remain in the background until someone either asks who I am or someone else introduces me..

If I have a job, such as event registration, I have no problem talking with people, but if I have to do it on my own for no reason, then I can not. Is that really shyness?

Till next time,

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