Friday, February 27, 2009

What a week....

So it has been a heck of a week here. Last Friday my husband was temporarily laid-off from work. They are hoping that things will pick up in April. Kind of a blow in this economy. If I had know a few weeks ago, Jewel would not have been sent off. Thank goodness I have a savings. Also Wally has a personal savings for extras, which could be Top Ramen and Peanut Butter...LOL

I hope others are doing okay. I know it was scary getting the news, but I know that we always make it through the tough times. That we can weather it okay, I have that faith. However it sure is on my mind in the here and now.

Weather has been strange. Got some rain, a little snow this week and it is sunny and warm today. All the seasons in one week.

Till next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the job loss! My goodness, this economy is a challenging one. We're taking it one day at a time and watching all of our expenses. Not much else to do.