Thursday, February 19, 2009


If you have read my blog you know by now that I have two teenage boys. Kayvon is 15 and Jacob is 13(soon to be 14). They keep me on my toes and remind me that we could be worst. I thought I was grateful to have boys rather than girls, but now that we are at the teen years I am thinking they are both bad.

Jacob has been, what I call, the hands on kind of kid. As a toddler and in grade school he would not keep his hands to himself. He managed to pull both rear view mirrors of my two farm rigs. Put pennies in the tape decks, marbles in the VCR, eat anything in the cabinets that he could reach(or climb to) and all sorts of boy things. In grade school he was in more trouble for poking kids with pencils, eating other's lunches, pushing on the play ground and repeating all the barnyard words that I use. (Shit is not an appropriate word for school). But now that he is in Junior High, he has calmed down. Works well, keeps his hands to himself and knows what not to say at school. Does decent in school work and if I ask enough does all his chores. He is polite at others houses, works well for others and listens.

Kayvon has always been the good kid. Hardly ever cried as a baby, entertained himself as a toddler, did not wonder far from adults. Does decent in school and all his teachers liked him. And that is were the problem lays. Now that he is in High school, he is being teased for being liked and doing well in class. He feels that the teachers and bus driver plays favorites and he is it. So kids this year have been picking on him. On the bus they have destroyed assignments, clothing, backpacks and just plain mean words. Kayvon was doing okay, but his grades have been nearly failing and a couple of weeks ago all went to pot.

Kayvon decided that the kids on the bus would not pick on him if he did something to get in trouble for. So he smeared frosting all over a bus seat and then passed it on to another kid that spread it over the emergency exit. Then Kayvon lied to the VP at the High school and to us and that it was an accident. I was very upset and asked to see the video and sure enough Kayvon did it on purpose. He was assigned Saturday/Wednesday School. I was more rattled than anything. After we saw the tape Kayvon came clean and told us what was going on. How do you deal with the world and explain that to a teenager. Then last week a kid that goes to school with Kayvon comes up to Wally and tells him he overheard Kayvon ask for a knife(from three girls) to stab someone. Mind you, this kid came to us and not the school officials. I was upset, what is happening he with my kid? What is he thinking?? Well I called home, as they had the day off and was spending it with my mother and had Jacob go home and Kayvon watched like a hawk till I could get home.

In the end, Kayvon and the three girls he was with, said they were talking about a sub teacher and how they liked them. Kayvon said the class was so boring that he could have stabbed himself with a knife and been more entertained. The three girls he was with had the same story and I have not heard from the school yet. I gave him the lecture for hell. Had him in tears. I am going to believe him this time as he has never shown any tendencies for violence towards himself or others(except what brothers do to each other).

I wish kids had a manual. What as a parent is one suppose to do?? I pray that my two boys will grow up to be contributing members of society. That they will be happy and well adjusted. I know that life has it twists and turns but I am getting a bit seasick on this ride of teenager hood.

As always till next time,

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